Offerte di lavoro per: - WELLNESS BEAUTY
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per WELLNESS BEAUTYHead of Quality & Compliance
Solent Group
- Christchurch, United Kingdom
Solent Group work with a diverse portfolio of Retailers and supply bespoke products within various categories, including Health & Beauty, Household Impulse Snacking and Reusable Bags. We are proud to be best-in-class when it comes to own-label product innovation. Our Categories are fast-paced with ever-evolving trends and a host of ground-breaking products coming to market on a regular basis - we add value to retailers by leading and owning each category. Here at Solent we want people to be extr...
Elettricista Torino Madrelingua Cinese Per Parrucchiere Offerte Di Lavoro H R Bari Lavoro Pelli Lavoro Bressanone Job Lab "offerta Di Lavoro A Buenos Aires" Stagione Invernale 2011 Video Hard Gi Group Spa Piacenza Lavoro Mestrino Addetta Alle Vendite Milano Sesso A Livorno "consulente Applicativo Bi" Centro Commerciale Conca D'oro Provini Hard Lavoro Napoli Caserta Emdse Lavoro Battipaglia "responsabile It" & Piemonte Video Hard Impiegata Amministrativa Cerco Autista Video Hard Lavoro Hotel Gkn Driveline Bruneck Ag Assistente Alla Poltrona Test X Lavoro Galleria Borromea