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Offerte di lavoro per: - FUN SRL

1 a 4 di 4 offerte per FUN SRL


Synergie Italia S.p.a - Bologna, Italia

Sei alla ricerca di Nuove Opportunità Lavorative? Ti piacerebbe entrare a far parte di una Grande Realtà? Synergie Italia SPA, filiale di Bologna 2, organizza per VENERDI 14 MARZO un #RecruitingDay, giornata dedicata al reclutamento di risorse da inserire presso l'azienda K.S. SRL Partecipare è facile: 1) Candidati a questo annuncio se sei interessato/a ad una delle seguenti posizioni: - MONTATORE MECCANICO - ELETTRICISTA o ADDETTO/A AL CABLAGGIO ELETTRICO - SALDATORE - BARISTA 2) Presentati VEN...

Senior Software Engineer

Startup Bakery srl - Milano, Italia

We are Startup Bakery. Nice to meet you! We are an Italian startup studio and we specialize in creating SaaS startups with a B2B focus. Every project we undertake combines a simple user experience, advanced data gathering and processing as well as AI elements. Our team is made up of founders, investors and serial entrepreneurs, open innovation enthusiasts, lean startup fanatics and experts in cloud technologies, user experience and digital marketing. Our values Success for a startup is not reach...

Software Developer

Startup Bakery srl - Milano, Italia

We are Startup Bakery. Nice to meet you! We are an Italian startup studio and we specialize in creating SaaS startups with a B2B focus. Every project we undertake combines a simple user experience, advanced data gathering and processing as well as AI elements. Our team is made up of founders, investors and serial entrepreneurs, open innovation enthusiasts, lean startup fanatics and experts in cloud technologies, user experience and digital marketing. Our values Success for a startup is not reach...


Startup Bakery srl - Milano, Italia

We are Startup Bakery. Nice to meet you! We are an Italian startup studio and we specialize in creating SaaS startups with a B2B focus. Every project we undertake combines a simple user experience, advanced data gathering and processing as well as AI elements. Our team is made up of founders, investors and serial entrepreneurs, open innovation enthusiasts, lean startup fanatics and experts in cloud technologies, user experience and digital marketing. Our values Success for a startup is not reach...

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