Offerte di lavoro per: - EXPORT AREA MANAGER DE
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per EXPORT AREA MANAGER DEClient Manager
Rijk Zwaan Ibérica, SA
- Almeria, España
Rijk Zwaan: your new employer? Rijk Zwaan is right at the start of the food chain. We develop vegetable varieties and sell the seeds produced from them globally. From our strategic position, we contribute to the world food supply. Everything we do is about growth. The growth of natural products that we export around the world. The growth of our company, which currently employs over 3,900 people in more than 30 countries. And above all the growth of our people: we give you every opportunity to us...
Phoenix Srl Tirocinio Studio Commercialista Zona Aprilia "funzionario Vendite Estero" Mansioni Lavoro Fano Adecco Empoli Offerte Di Lavoro Invernale Voto Di Laurea Minimo Hard Over 50 Locali Di Tendenza Collaboratori Informatici Mondovicino Casting Hard Fresenius Lavoro In Usa Topografo Assicurazione Como Congressi Medici Montatori Carpenteria Metallica Aziende Farmaceutiche Ragazze Hard Via Nino Bixio 37 Treviso C A Fidenza Studi Peritali Ulixe Group Torino Collaboratore Assicurativo Hotel La Fradora Sas Di Pescollderungg Christian Pulizie Arezzo Stagione Invernale 2011 Affermata Azienda Ricerca