Offerte di lavoro per: - AREA MANAGER FAR EAST
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per AREA MANAGER FAR EASTTechnical Manager
Solent Group
- Christchurch, United Kingdom
Solent Group work with a diverse portfolio of Retailers and supply bespoke products within various categories, including Health & Beauty, Household Impulse Snacking and Reusable Bags. We are proud to be best-in-class when it comes to own-label product innovation. Our Categories are fast-paced with ever-evolving trends and a host of ground-breaking products coming to market on a regular basis - we add value to retailers by leading and owning each category. Here at Solent we want people to be extr...
Analista Programmatore Java J2Ee Roma Riscossione Tributi Bar Bologna Call Center Da Casa Back Office Milano 7Camicie All Albo Rui Aziende Del Magentino Packaging Richiesta Part Time Lavoro Castelletto Ticino Quality Engineering Controllo Ecs Lavoro A Capriate Visiant Contact Srl Android Developer Torino Proposal Manager Lavori Pomeridiani Flavio Castellani Prada Commerciale Packaging Volantinaggio Roma Motori Industriali Ccnl Studi Professionali Lavoro Sud Milano Lavoro Mestre Aziende Produttive Ricerca R&d Caserta Provini Hard Lavoro Chiasso