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Offerte di lavoro per: - WEB SOLUTIONS TORINO

1 a 2 di 2 offerte per WEB SOLUTIONS TORINO

Front-End Developer

NHOA Energy - Milano, Italy

NHOA S.A. (formerly Electro Power Systems - Engie EPS), global player in energy storage and e-mobility, active in the construction of the largest fast and ultra-fast charging infrastructure in Southern Europe, develops technologies enabling the transition towards clean energy and sustainable mobility, shaping the future of a next generation living in harmony with our planet. It operates through its three Global Business Lines: NHOA Energy, Free2move eSolutions and Atlante. Born in 2005 as a tech...

Stage Curriculare Torino

Lutech Group - Torino, Italia

Progettiamo soluzioni end-to-end per la Digital Evolution gestendone ogni area, grazie alle nostre sei anime tecnologiche: Lutech Consulting, Lutech Solutions, Lutech Digital, Lutech Cybersecurity, Lutech Services e Lutech Cloud. Siamo motivati da una passione inesauribile per l'innovazione e una forte determinazione a superare limiti e ostacoli perché il fulcro di ogni nostro successo sono le nostre persone. Affianchiamo gli studenti nella loro formazione, affinché a fine stage siano in grado d...

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