Offerte di lavoro per: - ROTATING MACHINERY ENGINEER
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per ROTATING MACHINERY ENGINEERSenior Piping Engineer
PES Engineering
- Romania
The PES ENGINEERING Company grew out of the Engineering Division of PES, founded in 1979, and currently has more than 140 resources in its permanent engineering staff, boasting significant experience in the Oil & Gas, Power, Renewable Energy, Chemical, Petrochemical, and Automotive sectors. The PES ENGINEERING Company provides engineering and technical services (Civil, Rotating Machinery, Static Equipment, Process, HSE Design, Electro-instrumental, Layout & Piping), offering over 200000 hours of...
Work From Home Lavoro Avezzano Nestl Buying Office Stagioni Invernali 2011 Agente Lombardia Esperienza Back Office Benzinaio Video Hard Lavoro Indipendente Video Hard A L Business Consulting Montatore Stampi Lavoro Sarta Infermieri All Estero Hard Video Amatoriali Lavoro Montecatini Terme Lavoro I Nomi Eleva Lavoro Subito Lavoro Lavoro Milano Zona Bande Nere Cercasi Ambosessi Stage Grafico Video Hard Lavoro Privati Corrieri Espressi Infermiere Strumentista Teleperformance Lavoro Ragusa