Offerte di lavoro per: - RETAIL SEARCH SRL
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per RETAIL SEARCH SRLProject Development Manager BESS
Tailor&Fox Srl
- Roma, Italia
Tailor&Fox - your HR Business Partner - for A Multinational that operates in the Photovoltaic sector -, to strengthen its internal structure, has asked us to search for the following professional profile: PROJECT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER BESS RESPONSABILITIES: Developing utility-scale battery storage projects until Ready-to-Build milestone including the management of the collaboration with external development entities. To ensure follow-up of the stakeholders of the project like grid operators, local...
Italia Dubai Studio Architettura Archivista Requisiti Stagione Estive 2014 Idee Innovative Audioprotesista Native Italian Speaker Turni 3 1 Aziende In Espansione Lavor Invernale Ccnl Studi Professionali Transfer Pricing Agenti H3G Lavoro Video Hard Operaio Produzione Alimentare Video Hard Lavoro Cameriere L U G A N O Ristoranti Germania Lavoro Da Casa Bergamo Associazioni Umanitarie Internazionali "lavorare A Crema" Lavori Particolari Domestica Addetto Rifornimento Distributori Automatici Arredamenti Negozi Apollo B&m Lavorare A Rc Modellista Cad Video Hard