Offerte di lavoro per: - OUTLET CASTEL ROMANO
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per OUTLET CASTEL ROMANOK-Way - Sales Assistant - Outlet Castel Romano
BasicNet S.p.A
- Rm, Italia
BasicNet is the first marketplace in the clothing industry that owns several well-known brands in the apparel, footwear, and accessories market, including Kappa®, Robe di Kappa®, Jesus® Jeans, Superga®, K-Way®, Sebago®, Briko® and Sabelt®. Headquartered in Turin, Italy, the company operates on intangible aspects through a global network of licensees who produce and distribute its products, and offers various services to its network, such as research, development, global marketing, and informatio...
Desc Snc Idraulico Torino Cercasi Odontotecnico Analista Gestionale Stagione Invernale 2011 Infermiere In Svizzera Software Sap Modulo Stagione Invernale 2011 Lavoro Per Pub Lavoro San Marino Keyword Cerco Domestica Produzione Video Progettista Oleodinamica Lavoro Chiasso Moda Research Ottico Cerco Lavoro Valle Camonica Lavoro Sarta Lavori In Cartongesso Lavoro Camposampiero Multiservice 2 Normative Elettriche Video Hard Lavoro Stagione Invernale Cuoco Stagione Invernale Sesso A Palermo M&a Calcio Kruselburger Provini Hard