Offerte di lavoro per: - MILESTONE CONSULTANTS
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per MILESTONE CONSULTANTSProject Development Manager BESS
Tailor&Fox Srl
- Roma, Italia
Tailor&Fox - your HR Business Partner - for A Multinational that operates in the Photovoltaic sector -, to strengthen its internal structure, has asked us to search for the following professional profile: PROJECT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER BESS RESPONSABILITIES: Developing utility-scale battery storage projects until Ready-to-Build milestone including the management of the collaboration with external development entities. To ensure follow-up of the stakeholders of the project like grid operators, local...
Friuli Udine Humangest Spa Societa Srl Zara Italia Brand Ambassador Fashion Company Sas Infermieri All'estero Lavoro Sarzana Provini Hard Attivita' Redditizie Globo Busnago "lavoro Nell'agricoltura" Aziende Cartotecnica Mansioni Amministrative Cerca Arredamenti Ispettori Qualità Docente Sicurezza Lavoro Vco Video Hard Patentino Di Escavatorista Sviluppatore C Emeia Stagione Invernale 2011 Üübersetzer Autista Patente C Cqc Lavoro Ciampino Candidati In Cerca Di Lavoro Schemi Pneumatica Project Engineer Segretaria Torino