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Offerte di lavoro per: - DOG SITTER ANDRIA

Lavoro Dog (5)

Social Media Executive

Jungle Creations - London, United Kingdom

About Jungle Creations We are Jungle Creations, an award winning social media agency and publisher. Since our creation in 2014, we have built a community of over 147 million followers on and beyond social. In 2019 we launched The Wild, our publisher-powered social agency, that helps brands unlock social through data and insights, so they can build communities and break into culture. Jungle Media is the home of our portfolio of award-winning social media brands. We have pioneered some of the worl...

Head of Social & Influencer

Jungle Creations - London, United Kingdom

About Jungle Creations We are Jungle Creations, an award winning social media agency and publisher. Since our creation in 2014, we have built a community of over 147 million followers on and beyond social. In 2019 we launched The Wild, our publisher-powered social agency, that helps brands unlock social through data and insights, so they can build communities and break into culture. Jungle Media is the home of our portfolio of award-winning social media brands. We have pioneered some of the worl...

Client Partner

Jungle Creations - London, United Kingdom

About Jungle Creations Jungle Creations is an award-winning social publisher, home to The Wild by Jungle, its publisher-powered social agency. Jungle owns a portfolio of passion-point media brands, including Twisted, Craft Factory and Four Nine, that create and publish original content to over 150 million followers. Jungle leverages its expertise in communities, creators, and content through The Wild by Jungle, to help brands build communities and break into culture. The Wild by Jungle offers un...

Senior Creative Manager

Jungle Creations - London, United Kingdom

About Jungle Creations We are Jungle Creations, an award winning social media agency and publisher. Since our creation in 2014, we have built a community of over 147 million followers on and beyond social. In 2019 we launched The Wild, our publisher-powered social agency, that helps brands unlock social through data and insights, so they can build communities and break into culture. Jungle Media is the home of our portfolio of award-winning social media brands. We have pioneered some of the worl...

Senior Social Strategist

Jungle Creations - London, United Kingdom

About Jungle Creations We are Jungle Creations, an award winning social media agency and publisher. Since our creation in 2014, we have built a community of over 147 million followers on and beyond social. In 2019 we launched The Wild, our publisher-powered social agency, that helps brands unlock social through data and insights, so they can build communities and break into culture. Jungle Media is the home of our portfolio of award-winning social media brands. We have pioneered some of the worl...

Lavoro Andria (3)

OPERAIO MANUTENTORE MULETTISTA Categoria Protetta (art1 L.68/99)

Job Italia Spa - Andria, Italia

- JOB ITALIA SPA AGENZIA PER IL LAVORO Aut. Min. Lavoro n° 13/I/0001610/03.01 del 05/02/2010 Filiale di Bari, RICERCA OPERAIO MANUTENTORE MULETTISTA Categoria Protetta (art1 L.68/99) Per un'azienda leader nella produzione di vino siamo alla ricerca di una risorsa appartenente alle Categorie Protette (Art 1 L.68/99) da inserire nel team. La figura si occuperà della gestione operativa degli eventi di degustazione del vino presso la sede aziendale in Andria, con particolare attenzione all'organizza...

Addetto per l'Assistenza al Pubblico e la Vigilanza varie Sedi

ALES Arte Lavoro e Servizi S.p.A - Roma, Italia

Ales, unica società del Ministero della Cultura, ha il compito di supportare il Mic nelle sue strategie di tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale, apportando competenze addizionali e complementari e sviluppando iniziative sinergiche per garantire una gestione sostenibile. Ales opera tramite l'affidamento diretto di commesse da parte del Mic e attualmente eroga servizi presso circa 150 sedi del Ministero, con l'impiego di oltre 1100 dipendenti. Effettua la prima accoglienza dei visitato...


PENNY ITALIA - Andria, Italia

Il negozio PENNY è il luogo dove ogni giorno puoi trovare frutta e verdura, latticini e prodotti freschi consegnati in giornata a garanzia di freschezza e qualità ; dove puoi acquistare i tuoi prodotti preferiti ad un prezzo conveniente ; dove ogni singola referenza è selezionata ed esposta sullo scaffale per rendere la tua spesa più semplice. PENNY Italia è il discount alimentare del gruppo REWE, uno dei gruppi commerciali leader sul mercato tedesco ed europeo nel settore della Grande Distribuz...

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