Offerte di lavoro per: - CUSTOMER SERVICE MONCALIERI
1 a 1 di 1 offerte per CUSTOMER SERVICE MONCALIERIE-Traction BMS E/E SW Functions Development Engineer
- Gaimersheim, Germany
Italdesign is a service company providing design, engineering and production for the transportation industry, through to final testing and type-approval and support into starting of production and the design of complete Business models. Italdesign is based in Moncalieri, Torino, Italy and today has premises of more than 50.000 squared meters, a full-scale design and engineering campus and a cutting edge development and prototyping center. It has about 1000 employees in Italy, Germany, Spain, Chi...
Ristorante Firenze Addetti Alla Consulenza Accoglienza Clienti Centralino Night Club Prato Scaffalista Product Engineer Redazione Modelli Inditex Export Manager Junior Migliore Aziende Zirkonzahn Gmbh Bolzano Bozen, Italia Lavorare Nelle Scuole Video Hard Collaboratori Procacciatori Lavoro Facile Lavoro Battipaglia Collaboratore Ice Programma Asaj Metalmeccanici 7 Livello Amatoriali Campionario Tessile Stagioni Invernali 2011 Assemblaggio Plastiche Umana Carpi A1 Holding Attrici Hard Aspiranti Attrici Hard Lavoro Facile Corsi Editati Schede Dispense C E G Multiservice