Offerte di lavoro per: - AREA MANAGER EASTERN EUROPE
1 a 4 di 4 offerte per AREA MANAGER EASTERN EUROPESimile Offerte lavoro:
Area Manager Eastern Europe - Naval, Wind, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical Sectors
Company Description We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic Area Manager Eastern Europe for a position based mainly in the Czech Republic or Slovakia. You will work with an Italian Group operating at a European level, a leader in its sector, specializing in the production of forged rings and custom-made flanges, serving industries such as naval, wind, hydroelectric, mechanical, oil & gas, chemical, and petrochemical. Your main role will be to manage and expand the assigned customer bas...
Area Manager Eastern Europe - Naval, Wind, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical Sectors
Company Description We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic Area Manager Eastern Europe for a position based mainly in the Czech Republic or Slovakia. You will work with an Italian Group operating at a European level, a leader in its sector, specializing in the production of forged rings and custom-made flanges, serving industries such as naval, wind, hydroelectric, mechanical, oil & gas, chemical, and petrochemical. Your main role will be to manage and expand the assigned customer bas...
Area Manager Eastern Europe - Settori Navale, Eolico, Oil & Gas, HVAC, Petrolchimico - Inglese e Ceco richiesti
Popis společnosti Hledáme vysoce motivovaného a dynamického Area Managera pro Východní Evropu. Budete pracovat s italskou skupinou se sídlem v provincii Vicenza, která působí na evropské úrovni a je lídrem ve svém sektoru. Specializuje se na výrobu kovaných kroužků a přírub na zakázku, zaměřuje se na odvětví jako námořní, větrná energie, vodní energie, mechanika, ropný a plynárenský průmysl, chemický a petrochemický průmysl. Vaší hlavní rolí bude spravovat a rozšiřovat přidělenou zákaznickou zák...
Senior Sales Area Manager Export
System Logistics è un fornitore globale di soluzioni innovative di intra-logistica e material handling per l'ottimizzazione della supply chain di magazzini, centri di distribuzione e stabilimenti produttivi in tutto il mondo. Con un focus speciale sull'industria del Food & Beverage e della Grande Distribuzione Organizzata, System Logistics sviluppa soluzioni tailor made di automazione di magazzino e, che comprendono traslo-elevatori, sistemi di movimentazione, software e servizi. Siamo un partne...